services / Google Cloud / indexes

Cloud Datastore indices enable fast and optimized data queries in Firestore in Datastore mode. However, altering indices can lead to increased costs, longer index build times, operation limitations, and temporary performance impacts. By default, all entity properties are automatically indexed, but creating custom indices incurs storage and operation costs. Deleting indices can negatively impact query performance, and functionality, and require index rebuilding, potentially resulting in slower queries and incomplete results, along with increased costs for index rebuilding.




This privilege may grant access to confidential data, or its exploit can incur operational cost.


  • https:​/​/​cloud.​google.​com/​datastore/​docs/​concepts/​indexes#​index_​limits
  • https:​/​/​cloud.​google.​com/​datastore/​docs/​concepts/​indexes#​datastore-​indexes-​and-​index-​configuration-​files
  • https:​/​/​cloud.​google.​com/​datastore/​docs/​reference/​admin/​rest/​v1/​projects.​indexes
  • Contributed by P0 Security

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